BAC Calculator

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BAC Calculator
Blood Alcohol Content Calculator
Alcohol Calculator - Blood Alcohol Calculator
For weight, sex and standard drinks.

Weight (kg)








The BAC Calculator (Alcohol Calculator - Blood Alcohol Calculator) enables you to calculate your estimated blood alcohol content based on your weight, sex and drinking time. You will need to know how many standard drinks you've consumed.

Use the Standard Drink Calculator or the Blood Alcohol Calculator to first determine the number of standard drinks you have consumed. The links to these alcohol calculators are in the menu above.

Keep in mind the BAC Calculator (Alcohol Calculator - Blood Alcohol Calculator) uses average values for a number of parameters in the calculator. Further information can be found in the Wikipedia article linked to below.

The estimated blood alcohol content is calculated for the elapsed hours and also for the additional hours until the blood alcohol content returns to zero. Again keep in mind this is an average and there can be quite some variance between different people.

The BAC Calculator (Alcohol Calculator - Blood Alcohol Calculator) is written for Australian usage using 10 grams of alcohol in a standard drink.


BAC Calculator

The BAC Calculator (Alcohol Calculator - Blood Alcohol Calculator) enables you to determine an estimated blood alcohol content given a person's weight, sex, hours and the number of standard drinks consumed.


Weight in kilograms.


Select Male or Female.

Standard Drinks

The number of standard drinks need to first be calculated. You can use the Standard Drink Calculator or Blood Alcohol Calculator to work out the number of standard drinks.


Drinking period in hours.

Estimated BAC

The estimated BAC is calculated. In addition the BAC for additional hours are calculated until the BAC returns to zero.


  • The BAC Calculator (Alcohol Calculator - Blood Alcohol Calculator) is based on the Widmark formula. Details of the Widmark formula can be found on Wikipedia.

  • The main advantage of the BAC Calculator (Alcohol Calculator - Blood Alcohol Calculator) over the Standard Drink Calculator and Blood Alcohol Calculator is the BAC Calculator using the Widmark formula enables people to enter their weight and sex.
  • To determine the number of standard drinks use the Standard Drink Calculator if there's only a single type of drink, or the Blood Alcohol Calculator if there's a range of different drinks.


The BAC Calculator web app comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The BAC Calculator web app is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.


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